Carbon Neutral Schools strive to make one step closer to achieving EU Green Deal’s objective to be the first climate neutral continent. During the project digital training materials for education institutions on ways how to reduce Carbon Footprint in their everyday life.
It is important that public institutions act as forerunners in achieving ambitious goals and even more important is that schools are among them, as present pupils are future society that mainly will work for the 2050 objective.
The project is built on 3 core WPs:
1) developing Factor Maps on factors that influence the willingness to reduce Carbon Footprint
2) developing interactive e-learning modules on ways how to reduce Carbon Footprint in educational institutions and
3) developing a toolkit for Green Ambassadors that will ensure sustainability of the project results as it will act as a main motivational tool to start thinking green and use main project result.
The core result of the project – interactive E-learning modules on Carbon Footprint reduction in Schools “Carbon Neutral School” will cover a variety of Carbon neutrality related topics such as: Climate change; Carbon neutrality and EU policies; Carbon neutral organisation; Understanding the carbon footprint; Guidance of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and Carbon reduction pathways; Carbon budgeting.
The project is coordinated the Latvian education company ArtSmart and there are six other project partners in addition to Sykli.
The project has started on 11/2022 and will end by 03/2025.
More information

Taru Uotila
Director of Education, Circular Economy- +358 50 370 1414
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