The EducationalAI project is funded by the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) can be held responsible for the content of this publication. More information about the Erasmus+ programme: www.oph.fi/erasmusplus

EducationalAI – Empowering Educational Leaders with AI Strategies 2024-2026 is an Erasmus+ project that supports educational leaders and teachers in the responsible and effective integration of AI into educational institutions’ teaching practices and digital culture.
The project offers practical tools and resources helping educational leaders and staff adopt a critical and reflective approach to apply AI in teaching and administration.
As part of the project, a comprehensive analysis of AI adoption in education across various European countries will be produced. This analysis includes an up-to-date literature review, compiles best practices, and develops scenarios for implementing AI in educational environments throughout Europe.
In addition, the project will create a legal and ethical guide based on Children’s rights for using AI in education, supporting institutions in the responsible adoption of AI solutions. The project will also develop a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on the Coursera platform, specifically designed for educational leaders, which will award micro-credentials recognized in Europass.
EducationalAI will organize national webinars and one Europe-wide webinar to showcase the project’s results. The project publishes newsletters, blogs, and social media campaigns on LinkedIn. The project is driven by a broad network of experts, and it is coordinated by the Sykli Environmental College in collaboration with partners from nine European countries.
- Asocijacija za razvoj i transfer na znaenje, inovacii i tehnologii ARTKTI Euforija Skopje (North Macedonia)
- Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain)
- Høgskulen på Vestlandet (Norway)
- Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti (Romania)
- Vilnius Ozas Gymnasium / Vilniaus Ozo Gimnazija (Lithuania)
- Universität Graz (Austria)
- Smart Nest (Latvia)
- Udruga Suradnici u učenju (Croatia)
Empowering the future of education with AI – responsibly.

The EducationalAI- website has opened!
On the website, you will find a comprehensive overview of the project’s objectives and activities, information about partner organizations from nine different countries, as well as the latest news and blog posts on the application of artificial intelligence in education. Additionally, you can subscribe to the newsletter to stay updated on the project’s progress and the latest developments.
Follow us on LinkedIn!
On the EducationalAI LinkedIn page, we share updates on the project’s progress, upcoming events, and the latest publications on the application of artificial intelligence in education. By following us on LinkedIn, you will stay informed about the resources we provide, such as guides and tools that support the integration of AI into teaching. Additionally, you can network with other professionals in the field and engage in discussions about the role of AI in modern learning environments. Join our followers on LinkedIn and be part of a growing community that promotes the responsible use of AI in education!
Join the project newsletter!
By subscribing to the EducationalAI newsletter, you will stay updated on the project’s progress, the latest AI-related news, and receive invitations to national and European webinars.
Our newsletter provides fresh insights, practical tools, and strategic support for integrating AI into education. Together, we are shaping the future of learning!
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Ari Laitala
Expert, Carbon-Neutral Circular Economy