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Artificial intelligence as a teacher’s workmate – starting to use AI in teaching

Get ready to learn about AI, make new connections and grow your professional network!

This course will help you improve your digital competencies to efficiently teach with/for AI and integrate it into your classes. Working in teams, doing personalized projects and learning through direct experience with different AI tools. This hands-on course combines academic high-level knowledge even with some cultural discoveries. Get ready to learn about AI, make new connections and grow your professional network.

The seven-day course runs from Sunday to Saturday.

The daily program typically runs from 9:00 to 14:30, with a lunch break from 12:00 to 13:00 (self-funded).

Please note that the schedule is subject to change.

DAY 1: Visit to Heureka, Finnish science center 

  • Self-study Day (Estimated personal cost: approximately €35–50)
    • Visit the “Me, Myself & AI” exhibition at Heureka Science Centre to explore the fascinating world of artificial intelligence. For more information about the exhibition and Heureka’s opening hours and ticket prices, visit the Heureka Science Centre website.
      Wondering how to get there using public transport and how much travel tickets cost? Learn more at HSL (Helsinki Region Transport)

DAY 2: Orientation to AI in education

  • Arrival, Registration, and Practical Information
  • Orientation and Expectations
  • Introduction to AI:
    • What is AI?
    • How does it work?
    • What should teachers know about AI?
  • Workshop 1: Conversational AI (Prompting)

DAY 3: Getting touch 

  • Workshop 2: AI-Assisted Picture, Video, and Audio Generation
    • Explore practical examples of AI in education
  • Workshop 3: Creating Learning Tasks and Materials

DAY 4:  Everyday use of AI 

  • Workshop 4: Pedagogical Recommendations for Teachers — Country-Specific Examples
  • Workshop 5: Using AI in Teachers’ Everyday Work — Streamlining Your Routines
  • Safety in the AI World:
    • Ethics, Legislation, and the Eu’s AI Act

DAY 5: Study Trip to Estonia at Participants’ Own Expense (approximately €40)

  • Departure at 10:30, return at 19:30 (later returns also possible)
  • Professional site visit
  • Free time to explore Tallinn’s Old Town (UNESCO World Heritage Site)

DAY 6: Group working for AI innovations 

  • Case Study: How was the Erasmus+ project EducationalAI created?
  • Workshop 6: Group work – Creating project ideas & understanding the future
  • Course Wrap-Up: Providing certificates and closing at 14:00

DAY 7:  AI Learning journal 

  • Self-Study Assignment: Reflect on your learning
  • Digital Sharing: Share reflections and best practices online
Who Is This Course For?

The course is primarily targeted at teachers from upper secondary schools to universities of applied sciences. However, anyone with solid knowledge of the subject is welcome to join. The course is Erasmus+ compatible, providing an opportunity to apply for mobility funding through the Erasmus+program.


In 2025, we will organize two Erasmus+ courses.

The first course will be held in August from 24th to 30th August 2025, and the second course will take place in December from 30th November to 6th December 2025.


In Helsinki, Finland, and Tallinn, Estonia.

Course fee:

For a 7-day course 560,00 € for tuition and materials.
This is covered with the course fee that you get with your grant: 80,00 € per day.

Organizational costs:
Each school / organization will receive per participant an amount for organizational costs, of which SYKLI Environmental College will charge for a 7 days course 90,00 € per participant for administration and organizational costs. (All course fees include already VAT 25,5%)

Other participants:
7-day course 650,00€ + VAT 25,5 %

Upcoming courses & Enrollment

The next courses will take place in August and December 2025.

Open courses:

Artificial intelligence as a teacher’s workmate, 24.8.–30.8.2025

You can register as a participant, but please do not book your flight tickets until you receive a confirmation message from us stating that the course will take place. We will confirm the course implementation no later than 23rd June 2025.


Master of Science in Technology, Expert

Ari Laitala holds a Master of Science degree in Technology from Aalto University, where he has also taught for several years. His background is in practical data analysis, and he uses artificial neural networks in his work. Ari participated in the “Squad5: AI in Edu” project of the European Digital Education Hub in 2023. He strongly believes that AI will transform education as profoundly as the invention of the printing press did some 500 years ago—but at a tenfold pace. Ari also thinks that teachers are fortunate to be at the forefront of AI adoption.

Teacher Trainer, PhD, Educational Leadership MBA

Dr. Cristina Obae is a highly skilled teacher trainer with extensive experience in curriculum development and technology integration in education. She earned her PhD from the University of Bordeaux, France, in 2010, and began a second doctoral program in 2023 at the University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland. Cristina is also the founder of, a startup offering XR integration consultancy in education. She has delivered face-to-face training for national and international institutions and led numerous online workshops for teachers. Cristina believes in “leading by example” and “hands-on learning”—expect her training sessions to showcase the teaching methods and technologies she presents.

Master of Education, Environmental Trainer 

Maarit Pihkala is a creative expert in education, training, and facilitation. She currently works at the Environmental College Sykli, where she trains educators and professionals in the Environmental Special Vocational Qualification Program. Maarit also coaches students, designs events, and develops new educational products for Sykli. Previously, she worked as a global education and human rights expert for NGOs such as Fingo and Amnesty International. Maarit believes that the primary purpose of technology is to bring people together.

More information:

Ari Laitala

Expert, Carbon-Neutral Circular Economy