Board of Sykli
The Board of Sykli consists of Sykli’s owners. Hyria Foundation, Työtehoseura ry, Service Union United PAM, and Recycling Industries Finland ry are the owners of Sykli. Each owner has appointed their representatives to the Sykli Board, with Hyria and TTS each having two representatives, and PAM and Recycling Industries each having one representative.
Sykli Board 2022–2023
- Juha Ojala, Työtehoseura, Chairman of the Board
- Pekka Vaittinen, Hyria Foundation, Vice Chairman
- Maarit Tenkula, Työtehoseura
- Annika Kokko, Hyria Foundation
- Merja Vihersalo, Service Union United PAM
- Mia Nores, Recycling Industries Finland ry.