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Sustainable future is one of Sykli’s values, together we achieve sustainable results responsibly. In our operations, we are committed to promoting both the principles of sustainable development and building a sustainable future in accordance with the roadmap for the sustainable vocational education. Sykli is involved in several sustainability commitments, and in 2024, we will create our own sustainability roadmap that will guide us even more concretely towards our desired vision of the future. Our goal is to be a leader in environmental education and a transformative institution in society.

Sykli educates professionals for a sustainable future

SYKLI Environmental College is a national specialist vocational college. In addition, Sykli offers adults preparatory training, short training courses, consultation, and other expert services. The principles of sustainable development are part of all our educational activities. Sustainability and responsibility have been integrated into Sykli’s operations since its inception: Sykli’s core mission is to promote the expertise of organisations and professionals in sustainable development. Our task is to make sustainability a part of every professional’s way of doing things. The training focuses on increasing practical sustainability and responsibility knowledge – sustainability means different things in different fields.

Sykli develops and disseminates sustainable practices

In addition to degree and custom training, we develop sustainable future and circular economy practices through development projects. We actively participate in various networks to promote sustainable professionalism and working life. Sykli’s experts are bold innovators who understand the sustainability challenges in their fields and clarify research findings into practical solutions.

Sykli acts as an example

Sykli’s values are curiosity, courage, hope, and a sustainable future. Sustainability in Sykli means preserving biodiversity, climate wisdom, and living within the limits of the planet for the sake of nature and future generations. Our goal is to be pioneers and increase our impact through the effectiveness of our education. The transition towards a more sustainable future is possible through practical sustainability solutions and the renewal of organisational and individual ways of doing things. 

Our strategy is also built around a sustainable future. According to the strategy, we develop our own practices, reducing our ecological footprint and increasing our positive impact. We calculate our carbon footprint annually and actively work to reduce it. We organise training for students and customers nearby to minimise carbon dioxide emissions from travel and promote low-emission transportation options. Our procurement guidelines instruct us to acquire fair, organic, domestic, and only necessary products and services.

Social responsibility is also important to Sykli. In all our actions, Sykli strives to promote equality and equal opportunities for students and employees. Our goal is to ensure that both learning environments and learning materials are accessible and inclusive. Our employment activities support everyone’s right to decently paid work. We also regularly support various organisations in different sectors of society.

Responsible and Sustainable Vocational Education 2030

Sykli is committed to building a sustainable future in accordance with The Roadmap for the Sustainable Vocational Education.

This mark signifies a commitment to advancing the goals and actions outlined in the sustainability roadmap and monitoring progress.

The SDG Accord – Sustainable Development Commitment

Sykli is the first Finnish vocational institution to have signed the SDG Accord, an international commitment for educational institutions focused on sustainable development. These important goals will be increasingly visible in our operations going forward, starting from staff training all the way to each training day and operational planning.

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Riikka-Veera Kankaanpää

Impact Director